MikeSeptember 11, 2016 at 11:18 am #6462
I have purchased the bar chart vizuly component. I think it is a great value based on the educational standpoint alone. I’m trying to learn d3 so it is helpful to see how it is set-up and the code is well documented.
But, I am having trouble breaking free of the example. I can’t get rid of the menu in HTML test file without loosing the chart. I simply want to run a script that does something like this and puts my chart in my app where I want it. (I believe the open source examples are all set up in a similar way)
What are the properties I need to set to render a chart, I’ve been able to update it to my own json file, but can’t seem to figure out how to just use it. At the end of initialize() I tried this, but still need the HTML file it comes with to render the chart.
viz.height(450); viz.width(1000); viz.layout("STACKED") viz.update();
vizulySeptember 12, 2016 at 7:44 am #6471Hi Mike,
This is a common request – asking for the bare minimum to get a chart running.
If you would like to contact me offline I can send you two test files that have everything stripped out except the core code to run the chart.
– Tom
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