

barPadding :String (20%)

Determines space between bars within a series group. Can be represented as a pixel (Number) or a percentage ('20%'). Using a percentage will try and optimize the spacing based on the number of bars and the height of the chart. Using a fixed number will ignore the chart "height" property and space bars a fixed distance apart, so the resulting chart height may differ. This allows for creating consistently padded charts regardless of the number of elements within the series. The default value of auto will auto pad bars based on number of bars and chart width.

barWidth :Number (-1)

The height of each bar in pixels. The default value of auto will auto size bars based on padding and chart height.

data :Array (Needs to be set at runtime)

Array of Arrays. Each array represents a series of data. Assumes each series has the same length and same collection of yScale ordinal values.

 // Series 1 (Gold)
  {"country": "USA", "category": "Gold", "value": "1072"},
  {"country": "USSR", "category": "Gold", "value": "473"},
 // Series 2 (Silver)
  {"country": "USA", "category": "Silver", "value": "859"},
  {"country": "USSR", "category": "Silver","value": "376"},
 // Series 3 (Bronze)
  {"country": "USA", "category": "Bronze", "value": "749"},
  {"country": "USSR", "category": "Bronze","value": "355"},

dataTipRenderer :function (internal.dataTipRenderer)

The dataTipRenderer is used to customize the data tip that is shown on mouse-over events. You can append to or modify the 'tip' parameter to customize the data tip. You can also return modified x, y coordinates to place the data tip in a different location.

// tip - html DIV element
// e - svg rect of the bar being moused over
// d - datum
// i - datum index
// j - group index (optional)
// x - suggested x position of data tip
// y - suggested y position of data tip
// return {Array} [x, y] - x and y coordinates placing data tip.

function dataTipRenderer(tip, e, d, i, j, x, y) {
	 var html = '<div class="vz-tip-header1">HEADER1</div>' +
	 '<div class="vz-tip-header-rule"></div>' +
	 '<div class="vz-tip-header2"> HEADER2 </div>' +
	 '<div class="vz-tip-header-rule"></div>' +f
	 '<div class="vz-tip-header3" style="font-size:12px;"> HEADER3 </div>';

	 var h1 = scope.y(d);
	 var h2 = scope.x(d);
	 var h3 = scope.seriesLabel(d);

	 html = html.replace("HEADER1", h1);
	 html = html.replace("HEADER2", h2);
	 html = html.replace("HEADER3", h3);'height','80px').html(html);

	 return [(Number(x) + Number('width'))),y - 50]

duration :Number (500)

Duration (in milliseconds) of any component transitions.

groupPadding :String (auto)

Determines space between series groups. Can be represented as a pixel (Number) or a percentage ('20%'). Using a percentage will try and optimize the spacing based on the number of bars and the height of the chart. Using a fixed number will ignore the chart height property and space series groups a fixed distance apart, so the resulting chart height may differ. This allows for creating consistently padded charts regardless of the number of elements within the series. The default value of auto will group bars based on number of bars and chart width.

height :Number/String (600)

Height of component in either pixels (Number) or percentage of parent container (XX%)

viz.height(600) or viz.height('100%');

labelFormat :function (function (d) { return d })

Label formatter for value labels. Can be customized to modify value labels that are displayed by each bar.

//Sets each value label to a percentage format
viz.labelFormat(function (d, i) { return (d * 100) + '%' })

layout :String ('CLUSTERED')

Determines layout of Bar Chart. Can use either 'CLUSTERED' or 'STACKED'

margin :Object ({top:'5%', bottom:'5%', left:'8%', right:'10%'})

Margins between component render area and border of container. This can either be a fixed pixels (Number) or a percentage (%) of height/width.

seriesLabel :function (function (d) { return d.series })

Function that returns the series label of the datum

viz.seriesLabel(function(d,i) { return d.myProperty });

width :Number/String (600)

Width of component in either pixels (Number) or percentage of parent container (XX%)

viz.width(600) or viz.width('100%');

x :function (Must be set at runtime)

Function that returns the datum property used to calculate the width of the bar. This accessor is called for each bar that is being rendered.

viz.x(function(d,i) { return Number(d.myProperty) });

xAxis :d3.axis (d3.axisBottom)

D3 Axis used to render x (bottom) axis. This axis can be overriden with custom settings by capturing the 'measure' event.

viz.on('measure', function () { viz.xAxis().tickSize(10) }) //Sets each axis tick to 10 pixels

xScale :d3.scale (d.scaleLinear())

Scale type used to measure and position bars along the x-axis. The scale, or scale properties can be overridden by capturing the "measure" event and accessing/modifying the scale.

viz.on('measure', function () { viz.xScale().range([0, 600]) }) //Sets max width of scale to 600

xTickFormat :function (function (d) { return d })

Label formatter for the x axis. Can be customized to modify labels along axis.

//Sets each axis tick label to a currency format
viz.xTickFormat(function (d, i) { return '$' + d3.format('.2f')(d) })

y :function (Must be set at runtime)

Function that returns the datum property used to calculate the vertical grouping/position of the bar . This accessor is called for each bar that is being rendered.

viz.y(function(d,i) { return Number(d.myProperty) });

yAxis :d3.axis (d3.axisLeft)

D3 Axis used to render y (left) axis. This axis can be overriden with custom settings by capturing the 'measure' event.

viz.on('measure', function () { viz.yAxis().tickSize(10) }) //Sets each axis tick to 10 pixels

yScale :d3.scale (undefined - set at runtime automatically)

Scale type used to measure and position bars along the y-axis. The bar chart will try and auto-determine the scale type based on the value type being returned by the viz.y accessor. String values will use a d3.scaleBand, date values will use a d3.scaleTime, and numeric values will use a d3.scaleLinear. The scale, or scale properties can be overridden by capturing the "measure" event and accessing/modifying the scale.

viz.on('measure', function () { viz.yScale().range([0, 600]) }) //Sets max height of scale to 600;

yTickFormat :function (function (d) { return d })

Label formatter for the y axis. Can be customized to modify labels along axis.

//Sets each axis tick label to a currency format
viz.yTickFormat(function (d, i) { return '$' + d3.format('.2f')(d) })



Used to set listeners to multiple events at once.

This method is usually called internally from a vizuly2.core.component to set listeners for style specific methods.

var stylesCallbacks = [
   {on: 'updated.styles', callback: applyStyles},
   {on: 'mouseover.styles', callback: styles_onMouseOver},
   {on: 'mouseout.styles', callback: styles_onMouseOut}



Used to apply a collection of styles at one time

Name Type Description
styles String

A style collection object

var blueStyles =
    'background-color-top': '#021F51',
    'background-color-bottom': '#039FDB',
    'value-label-color': '#FFF',
    'x-axis-label-color': '#FFF',
    'y-axis-label-color': '#FFF',
  	 'bar-fill': '#02C3FF',
  	 'axis-stroke': '#FFF',
  	 'bar-radius': 0



Used to clear all runtime styles and set all styles back to components default style settings.


Removes the component from the DOM and removes all event listeners. Typically this is called when a page programmer is removing the component from memory and wants to free the component up for garbage collection by the browser.

getStyle(style, args)

Used by the component at runtime to get the current value for a given style. This can be either the default style or runtime applied styles.

The value returned could be either a static value, or a result of a dynamic function that calculates the style at runtime.

Name Type Description
style String

Name of the style

args Array

Any arguments that need to be passed to the style functor

// This sets all '.vz-bar' elements with a fill matching the 'bar-fill-color' style
 .style('fill', function (d,i) { return viz.getStyle('bar-fill-color',arguments); });


Returns a unique identifier that has been auto generated at instantiation. This ensures that multiple components of the same type will have a unique DOM id

// Returns the viz parent DIV element

 // Alternatively you can also use

on(event, listener)

Used to set listeners to component events. Passing a null listener value will clear the event listener

Note: You can use event namespaces (D3.dispatch) to set multiple listeners for a single event

Name Type Description
event String

of event to be listened for

listener function

function used to capture emited event

// Sets a listener to the update event
 viz.on('update', myListenerFunction);

 // Sets two namespace specific listener to a mouseover event
 viz.on('mouseover.module_1', myModule1ListenerFunction);
 viz.on('mouseover.module_2', myModule2ListenerFunction);

 // Clears the event listener for the update event
 viz.on('update', null);

onChange(Property, Listener)

Used to capture any component property change events.

Name Type Description
Property String

name of change event to be listened for

Listener function

function used to capture emited event

// Listens for any changes to the data property
 viz.onChange('data', myListenerFunction);


Returns the parent DOM element the component appended to.


Used by internally components to remove a data tip. This is usually called on a mouseout event.


Returns a d3.selection of the component's DIV container that was created at component instantiation.

showDataTip(e, d, i, j)

Used internally by components to display a data tip. This is usually called on a mouseover event.

Name Type Description
e DOMElement

The target element that triggered the call

d Object

The datum associated with the triggering event

i Number

The index associated with the datum

j Number

Optional - The series (if one exists) asscoiated with the datum


Returns a size object based on the components internal measure function with absolute pixel values. This is helpful for applying styles/decorations after the component has rendered and you want to know specific measurements of the component.


style(style, value)

Used to set, retrieve and clear runtime styles

Name Type Description
style String

Name of the style

value function

Value of the style

// Retrieves a current style value (either runtime style of default style)'myStyleName');

 // Sets a new style value'myStyleName', myStyleValue);

 // Clears a runtime style (default styles will still be active)'myStyleName', null);

(static) update()

Triggers the render pipeline process to refresh the component on the screen.

updateOnResize(resize, delay)

This function can be used to dynamically update a component when the window is resized. Typically this is used when the viz.size() or viz.width() is set to a percentage. A default delay of 50 milliseconds is used to buffer resize events and prevent the component from repeatedly updating while the user is resizing the window. This delay can be modified as seen in the delay parameter below.

Name Type Description
resize Boolean

A true value will call viz.update() when the user resizes the window. A false value will cancel the resize.

delay Number

Optional. The time in milliseconds to wait between resize events before calling viz.update()

// Sets the width of the component to 100% and uses the resizeOnUpdate with a 100ms delay buffer.
 viz.width('100%').updateOnResize(true, 100);


Validates that all public properties (passed in props param) have non null values.

This method is usually called internally from a vizuly2.core.component measure function.


In addition to component specific events, all components natively support these events produced by the vizuly2.core.component factory:

initialized, measured, styled, updated, validated

All Events can be accessed via the viz.on('eventName', myEventListener) format.

// Sets a listener to the update event
 viz.on('updated', myListenerFunction);

 // Sets two namespace specific listener to a mouseover event
 viz.on('mouseover.module_1', myModule1ListenerFunction);
 viz.on('mouseover.module_2', myModule2ListenerFunction);

 // Clears the event listener for the update event
 viz.on('updated', null);

click :VizulyEvent

Fires when user clicks a bar.

Name Type Description

DOM element that fired event


Datum associated with DOM element


Index of datum in display series


The series index of the datum


Vizuly Component that emitted event

viz.on('click', function (e, d, i) { ... });

initialized :VizulyEvent

Fires after component initialize() method has been called.

Type Description

viz - The viz that emited the event

measured :VizulyEvent

Fires after component measure() method has been called

Type Description

viz - The viz that emited the event

mouseout :VizulyEvent

Fires when user moves the mouse off a bar.

Name Type Description

DOM element that fired event


Datum associated with DOM element


Index of datum in display series


The series index of the datum


Vizuly Component that emitted event

viz.on('mouseout', function (e, d, i) { ... });

mouseover :VizulyEvent

Fires when user moves the mouse over a bar.

Name Type Description

DOM element that fired event


Datum associated with DOM element


Index of datum in display series


The series index of the datum


Vizuly Component that emitted event

viz.on('mouseover', function (e, d, i) { ... });

styled :VizulyEvent

Fires after component applyStyles() method has been called.

Type Description

viz - The viz that emited the event

touch :VizulyEvent

Fires when user touches a bar on a gesture enabled device.

Name Type Description

DOM element that fired event


Datum associated with DOM element


Index of datum in display series


The series index of the datum


Vizuly Component that emitted event

viz.on('touch', function (e, d, i) { ... });

updated :VizulyEvent

Fires after component update() method has been called.

Type Description

viz - The viz that emited the event

validated :VizulyEvent

Fires after component validate() method has been called.

Type Description

viz - The viz that emited the event